
Health Issues

Rights Of A Child


Lives One at a Time
FAROF, for Every Woman and Child
{Saving lives one at a time}

Reached over 9700 vulnerable adolescent girls and women with vocational education and life-building skills

Increased access for over 100, 000 pregnant women to high quality Maternal, Newborn and Child Health care service delivery in Northern Nigeria

More than 30, 000 out of school children enrolled into schools

1230 Frontline Health Care Workers trained on quality health care service delivery

1150 household with malnourished under-five children reached with high quality nutrient dense food

Freehearts Africa Reach Out Foundation (FAROF)
Our Mission
Envision serving as a source to humanitarian excellence, where every child and women’s rights are protected from all forms of exploitation, with better living standard.
Our Goals
To ensure the right of every child is protected and end any form of conflicts, Violence and exploitation in our society.
What We Do
Health-Nutrition & MNCH Programs
1,230 Front line health workers trained on quality care of pregnant women in over 57 communities in northern Nigeria
Reach out to over 27, 500 children in need of quality basic education by distributing over 40, 000 Minimum standard educational materials
Child Protection
Gender base education for the girl child is a lifeline to a nations development, in Nigeria more boys are likely to attend school than the ……..
Trained over 17, 250 girl, women and boys (70% female and 30% male) on enterprenuership, Vocational Trainings and Financial Literacy Training, including green skills
DX Dance Project
Doxa-Xchange Dance & Art, popularly known as Doxa or DX Dance Project, is a nonprofit dance and Art Project, aimed at building a stronger community through dance, while cultivating the field of modern dance across various cultures in Nigeria in a competitive platform.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
FAROF continues strengthening communities and health system through technological approach, in the form of trainings and provision of digital equipment to aid development.

Education-(Girl Child Education)
Improving and widening access to basic education for the girl child accelerates social and economic advancement.
Education-(Girl Child Education)
Improving and widening access to basic education for the girl child accelerates social and economic advancement. Donate

Health-Nutrition-Agriculture and MNCH (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, WASH, SRHR, ETC.)
FAROF Health projects is directly focused on Maternal Newborn & Child Health MNCH programs and implemented in hard to reach areas of our communities.
Health (HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, WASH, MNCH, SRHR)
FAROF Health projects is designed to directly implement Health program in hard to reach areas of our communities. Donate

Child Protection (Gender Based Violence)
FAROF today is responding and introducing preventive programs to address and put an end to gender violence.
Child Protection (Gender Based Violence)
FAROF today is responding and introducing preventive programs to address and put an end to gender violence . Donate
Nutrition, Food-Security & Agriculture Solution
FAROF continues to advance community food security by helping Vulnerable families and individuals meet their need for a reliable source of quality food and sufficient resources to produce or purchase it. One of our focus is addressing the root causes of hunger amongst vulnerable communities.
We welcome both organization’s or individual’s donation. Support our Projects Today! (Child Protection, Education, Health and Empowerment).
- Donate to Get a Girl child back to school & strengthen Our Education system!
- Donate to fight HIV/HIDS,Tuberculosis & Hepatitis
- Donate to End Gender Base Violence GBV! Donate to End Child TB!
- Donate to provide Food/nutrition to malnourished children!
- Donate to protect a child!

We are committed to saving lives
Become a Volunteer
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children and Women in Africa, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
Quick Fundraising
$50 could provide nutritious meal for a Malnourished Child monthly and enroll a girl child into school. We welcome both organization’s or individual’s donation.
Start Donating
Join FAROF to save a live one at a time. With your donation, you will be working together with FAROF to STOP and END Health and Educational Barriers in more than 27 states in Nigeria.
Become a Volunteer
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children and Women in Africa, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
Quick Fundraising
$50 could provide nutritious meal for Malnourished Child monthly and enrol a girl child into school. We welcome both organization’s or individual’s donation Support our Projects Today!
Start Donating
Join FAROF to save a live one at a time. With your donation, you will be working together with FAROF to STOP and END Health and Educational Barriers in more than 27 states in Nigeria.
FAROF Latest news from the blog
Monitoring and Evaluation (MEAL) Associate Position with FAROF
Vacancy for Business Case Manager Position with FAROF