Who We Are

Who We Are
FREEHEARTS AFRICA REACH OUT FOUNDATION (FAROF) is a registered (CAC/IT/NO 61548), non-profit development organization that is targeted as one of the leading Charitable and Non-profit Development & Human Rights Organizations with more than 15 years working existence in community development across Nigeria and the Africa continent
FREEHEARTS AFRICA REACH OUT FOUNDATION (FAROF) has an active Consultative Status with the United Nations ECOSOC, a well-recognized and certified (MBNP/NGOIC/S.1320/1) by the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning in the FCT-Abuja, Nigeria. FAROF Work in the north Western region of Nigeria and, dedicated towards the improvement of the standard of living of Marginalized groups, particularly those living in rural communities.
Primary Thematic Area of Innovative work

Health- (MNCH :Digital health, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, and HIV treatment and Prevention……………

Education-(trainings and Strengthening Infrastructure);

Child Protection-(Gender Base Violence & Exploitation (GBVE)),

Empowerment (Enterprise Development and Vocational Skills)

Community ICT Development

DX Dance Project
FAROF programs have received funding from Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC), Friends for Global Health Initiative in Nigeria (FGHIN), TY Danjuma Foundation, with Technical supports from UNICEF and Society for Family Health (SFH). FAROF has also received funding and Technical support from a host of other donors including State Aids Control Agencies (SACA). FAROF is currently being funded by USAID, US Embassy, Abuja to empower women as entrepreneurs in the EMWEVET project.
Our Target Group
We are targeted at reaching out to Vulnerable Children and Women of all race and/or culture
Our Vision
Envision serving as a source to humanitarian excellence, where every child and women’s rights are protected from all forms of exploitation, with better living standard.
Our Mission
FAROF mission is committed to creating a safe and healthy community for the most disadvantaged children and women through quality health care, literacy, protection against all forms of violence and exploitation, with community development that are sustainable, replicable and appropriate for hard-to-reach-areas.
Our Goals
1. To ensure the right of every child is protected and end any form of conflicts, Violence and exploitation in our society. 2. To reduce poverty rate and ensure that every community member are engaged in the implementation of our programs.