Saving lives one at a time
Provision of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN)

Provision of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN)

LLIN were provided to 100 women at the facility and were sensitized on the proper usage to prevent malaria infection for both the mother and the child.

Fatima Hudu

Fatima Hudu is a beneficiary of the delivery kit and ETS from Farakwai village, Igabi Local Government Area, she is grateful for the delivery kit, initially she used fire to burn the baby’s navel to disinfect it but she got methylated spirit in the pack that she used and without the sanitary pad, she used rags which could result to an infection, the delivery kit has helped her a lot. She is also grateful for the ETS, she started labour at night, the driver was called and he came promptly and she was transported to the PHC where she delivered a healthy baby boy. She resides at the remote part of the village but the driver was able to get to her on time.


Husseina Umar

Husseina Umar is a beneficiary of delivery kit from Farakwai village Igabi Local Government Area, she has given birth to all her 7 children at home, and she had some complications during those deliveries. Her labour usually begins at night and it is very difficult for her to get to the facility at that time. With the provision of the ETS she had her 8th Delivery at the facility Level.


Binta Abdullahi

Binta Abdullahi from Nasarawa community is a beneficiary of the delivery kit and long lasting insecticidal net. She is grateful for the delivery kit given to her because, when she goes to deliver at the hospital, she is asked to bring a lot of items which she is unable to afford, she and other women in her community would rather deliver at home because they cannot afford all those items but with this delivery kit and the ETS she can go to the hospital when it’s time for her to deliver and she will be accepted with just the items in the pack.


Fatima Salisu

Fatima Salisu, a beneficiary of the delivery kit and LLIN from Nasarawa community, testified of the impactful nature of the intervention, and commended the services rendered to her and the efficiency of the staff when she came to deliver at the facility. This is as a result of the training carried out by FAROF for healthcare workers in Kaduna State to ensure quality maternal and child health service delivery.

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